There Are No Words
“This boasting will do no good, but I must go on. I will reluctantly tell about visions and revelations from the Lord. I was caught up to the third heaven fourteen years ago. Whether I was in my body or out of my body, I don’t know—only God knows. Yes, only God knows whether I was in my body or outside my body. But I do know that I was caught up to paradise and heard things so astounding that they cannot be expressed in words, things no human is allowed to tell.” - 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 NLT
Indescribable is an extreme way to describe a place you have visited. Imagine if you had seen the indescribable wonder of heaven as Paul did. When a prolific writer like paul has no words to describe heaven, it indicates how astounding it will be for believers to spend eternity there. Paul was not disappointed. He continued to preach that Jesus was the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one experiences the presence of God, except through Jesus. Paul had no reason to lie for Jesus, instead he lived and died for Jesus.
May we be willing to do the same!