A break from the gifts just to give thanks.
Did you know that no man steps into the same river twice? For its not the same river and it's not the same man. Worship is transcendent wonder.
“Bravo, God, bravo! Gods and all angels shout, “Encore!” In awe before the glory, in awe before God’s visible power. Stand at attention! Dress your best to honor him! God thunders across the waters, Brilliant, his voice and his face, streaming brightness— God, across the flood waters.” - Psalms 29:1-3 MSG
There are approximately 2000 thunderstorms on planet earth at any given time. And lightning strikes about 40 times per second, or 346 million times per day. That is a lot of standing ovations, but according to the psalmist, the angels shout encore after each one.
When was the last time we stopped to give praise, thanksgiving and clap for the creator? Because God is so good at what he does, we often take him for granted. The angels shout, "encore", and maybe we should. (Batterson)
Father, I stand to Praise you and thank you for Jesus and the beautiful people you've put in my life . Thank you for loving us with so much mercy, grace, and unconditional love. Return us to our first love (You) and away from the noise of this world to marvel at your splendor.