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Writer's picturePhil Wade

Vital signs- Thursday, February 8th, 2024

""Well done!’ the king exclaimed. ‘You are a good servant. You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you, so you will be governor of ten cities as your reward.’“

‭‭Luke‬ ‭19‬:‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Obedience: It does no good to spend time trying to hear God and reading His word if you are not willing to obey Him or His word. Some things He asks us to do may seem difficult or scary. Some may even seem silly or unnecessary. I firmly believe God asks us to do some things just to see if we are willing to obey.

But there are other times I do what He asked me to do, not knowing why He was asking.

As far as spiritual warfare is concerned, obeying God will often put us on the enemy’s radar. It will undoubtedly make us uncomfortable at times. And it will always lead us to a reward from God. This reward may not come to us this side of the grave. But it will make it much more likely to hear “well done good and faithful servant.” It will give us the opportunity to stand before Jesus and learn why He had us do those things. Doing what God asks us to do will also lead to others being blessed through us. This may happen directly or indirectly. Obeying God will also allow us to be reinforcements to our fellow soldiers.

I am blessed there have been so many people who have invested in me and my growth in Christ. From the time I started my walk with on a regular basis, until now, I have had people to teach and guide me. Christians should be constantly training. This is done by being in the Word, praying as well as finding those with more experience in spiritual warfare and other aspects of the Christian life. Reading books that are grounded in Scripture can be a great supplement to face-to-face education. If your church offers classes on prayer, spiritual gifts, or other aspects of Christianity do what you can to participate in them. If all Christians became well trained soldiers for God, we could get off the defensive and launch and all-out attack on the gates of hell. Matthew 16:18 reminds us those gates cannot prevail against God’s church! This is it church, no more timidity, no more neutrality, no more defense! Gear up and get in step with our Almighty General. We have already won it is time to claim our victory!

Team Wade loves you and is praying for you ❤️👊

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