“For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.” - James 2:13 NKJV
Mercy is the seventh motivational gift that Paul speaks of in Romans chapter 12. When it comes to mercy, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is never been anyone in my eyes who rises above my mother in showcasing this gift.
My mother and all mercy gifted people walking in the spirit of God knows how to care for others. They are always thinking with their hearts and always thinking of others before themselves.
The misuse of this gift is that mercy, gifted people can often short circuit God’s plan in the lives of people in the area of correction. They cannot stand to see people hurt, and they live to take away the pain of others at whatever cost. Sometimes the mercy, gifted people need to remain silent while God does his work. This is the importance of always praying and seeking the Lord‘s will in the use of any of our gifts.
Today’s application - seek today to only do what God calls us to do and only do it in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Teen Wade loves you and is praying for you!!