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Vital signs- Sunday, August 14th, 2022

A Love Deep Enough

There are times when we all think, "I'm going under for the last time! I'm about to sink!" No matter how deep you are, God's love is deeper than your problem. Corrie ten Boom and Betsy ten Boom were Christians who lived in the Netherlands during World War II. They hid Jews in their home to protect them from the Nazis. When they were discovered, not only were the Jews taken to the concentration camp but Corrie and Betsy were taken as well, and they spent the rest of the war there. After watching one atrocity after another, Corrie told Betsy, "This place is the pit of hell!" Betsy replied, "There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper." In the last few months, you may have hit bottom financially and you think, "I am going broke!" Or, you've hit bottom emotionally, or your marriage has hit bottom, or you're having health problems. You're frustrated and you think, "I'm going under." Where is God when you hit bottom? He's right there underneath you. He is "your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you." (Deuteronomy 33:27 NLT) Drop into his arms of love. Let him catch you and support you when you have nowhere else to go.

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Phil Wade currently serves as Lead Pastor at Northside Church in Rome, Georgia, but his heart and his home are with those he gets to walk life with and love daily.


Phone: 352-502-2437

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