I Am Designed
At the beginning of time, God looked over the work He had created. He saw human beings and said they were 'very good'—He was pleased and satisfied with the way He had made us. When we look at ourselves through our own eyes, we may find much cause for disappointment. We should ask God to help us see ourselves as He does: designed by His hand with inherent goodness.
"But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You are our potter; we are all the work of Your hand." - Isaiah 64:8 (ESV)
Father, thank You for personally making me Your workmanship. You fearfully and wonderfully made me to fulfill the purpose You have for me. I am sorry for the times I cursed the hands of the Potter and said that I did not like the way You made me. I repent now and ask You to forgive me for the times I have tried to be someone I am not because I did not like who I was. I believe I am Your workmanship; I have been created by You and am being transformed by You into Your likeness. I love the work You do. Please help me to see myself as Your workmanship, not merely as a personal work in progress. Amen.