Grace After Failure
There isn’t one person who can look back on their past without being reminded of some mistake they made along the way. Mistakes are a part of every story.
In the Gospels, we observe the story of Peter denying Jesus three times following His arrest. This happens just hours after Peter declared he would never deny Him [Matthew 26:31–35]. Imagine the angst, guilt, and sense of failure Peter must have felt. We know he left the courtyard and wept bitterly [Matthew 26:69–75].
Rising out of such deep places of regret and disappointment can feel insurmountable. Sometimes, our mistakes lead us to believe that God is angry or disappointed with us to the point of turning away. But our God is a God of love, always for us! Through grace and mercy, He forgives, teaches, and restores us to Himself.
Jesus restored Peter, and He can restore you too.
Give thanks!