Living the Word
“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” - Luke 16:10 NLT
When we hear Scripture, how should we apply it? Willingly, joyfully, prayerfully, and intentionally. I call this doing the Word! Never think of anything He says as a mere suggestion—welcome it as God’s holy Word, eternal truth, and life-changing revelation. Stay in it, own it, cherish it, and enjoy it. Pray it and live it.
Father, plant Your Word inside us, and help us obey it by Your Spirit. Teach us, rebuke us, correct us, and train us in righteousness. Help us, Your devoted disciples, to follow and obey Your living Word for the sake of Christ and in His holy name.