“He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.”
(Proverbs 13:20)
As true God followers, there are four things we must keep in mind.
First, we need to expound truth ; saturate ourselves and others in the Proverbs; sear the Ten Commandments into our consciousness; learn the Beatitudes, that we might learn these simple, basic truths.
Second, expose sin: we need to see the repercussions of sin to understand their weight. We must pull away the veil and see the ugly truth of sin and its consequences.
Third-We must also expel fools, as Proverbs 13:20 instructs. We cannot hang around those who reject wisdom; we must be firm with who we allow into our circle of influence. Love them, yes allow them to influence us , no.
Finally, we must express love—be gentle, transparent, and available. Words can hurt others more than a slap in the face. “Love God - Love your neighbor as yourself.”
• Which of these principles stands out most to you? Why?
• Where do you need to be honest about sin in your own life to point others toward wisdom?
Take time to express love to those close to you today, whether your own family or someone else.