Help Others Find Freedom
You can help those you love find real freedom through God's Word. Just look at how Jesus trained the disciples. He taught them that the Word of God is our foundation. Everyone should build their foundation on God's Word. Jesus said, " You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32 TEV) I want the people I care about to be free: I don't want them bound up by guilt. I don't want them bound up by worry. I don't want them messed up by resentment. I don't want them to be pressured by the expectations of others. There's only one way to help people be free: Teach them the Truth that will set them free. Teach them that, when you build your life on God's Word, you'll have a life of genuine freedom. A life built on God's Truth is filled with happiness, joy, passion and purpose. You will spare those you love an awful lot of headaches and heartaches and heartbreaks if you teach them to rely on God's Word as the sole authority for their lives. For many of the people in your life, you're the only one who can help them find freedom in God's Word. That means you have to know God's Word yourself! That should be a great motivation for you to keep growing!
“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.””
John 8:32 NLT