All of us have a desire to have full lives. We are made to be complete only in God and only with the Holy Spirit in us! We are made into who we truly were designed to be when we are in Him. Without the Holy Spirit’s regeneration, we are spiritually dead and unable to know God or live for Him. But now that we are saved by grace, we are made complete.
“For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.”
Hebrews 10:14 ESV
Pray with me
Thank You, God, that I am complete in Jesus Christ! I am missing nothing; You have added everything to me to make me whole. I am sorry for the days I believed I was missing something or was incomplete. I believe today that You have worked in me in Your perfection and made me complete by the finished work of the cross. Amen.
Read proverbs 24 today
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