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Vital signs- Sunday,December 12th, 2021

Invest to Help Others Meet Jesus

This is one of the most misunderstood statements by Jesus, but he isn't saying we should "buy" friends with money. What he meant was that you should use the money God gives you to bring people to Christ. They will then be friends for eternity who will welcome you when you get to heaven! It's the best financial investment you'll ever make. You've probably heard the expression "You can't take it with you"- but the Bible says you can send it on ahead, by investing in people who are going there! The Bible says, "By doing this they will be storing up real treasure for themselves in heaven--it is the only safe investment for eternity! And they will be living a fruitful Christian life down here as well." (1 Timothy 6:19 TLB)

“Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭16:9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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