What is it that makes you anxious? Nervous? Unsettled? Afraid?
I’m not talking about normal external fears like snakes, spiders, or the fear of flying. I’m wondering what keeps you up at night, those things that ricochet in your mind and refuse to be quieted. Things like losing your job. Not getting married. Or being stuck in a bad marriage. Having your health fail. School.Draining your savings account just to get by.
We don’t know what exact fears were running through David’s mind, but it’s clear he was troubled about his safety and perhaps his future. Because after asking God to search his heart, David prayed, “know my anxious thoughts” (Ps. 139:23). He wanted to share his worst fears with God. To face them and give them a name. To trust that God was bigger than any fear David could dream up.
Are you willing to pray such a prayer? “Lord, reveal what holds my mind hostage. Show me what I fear the most. Go ahead, help me face what terrifies me.”
What we fear matters.
What if The things that kept me awake at night are the things that Im not trusting God to handle.
What are the areas that you’re clinging to? What fears are you withholding from God?
Think about it. If you’re gripped with fear about the future of your marriage, this is an indication that you don’t completely trust God with your marriage. If you’re overwhelmed with worry about how you will pay your bills, this reveals that you may not be trusting God to be your provider. If you’re paralyzed with worry about the safety of your children, could it be that you aren’t trusting God to keep them safe?
As God reveals your fears, he will also build your faith. You need him. You need his presence. You need his power. You need his Spirit guiding you. You need his Word strengthening you.
What we fear the most shows us where We need to grow with God.
So,What do you fear? What are your anxious thoughts?
What is God showing you?
Where do you need to grow in faith?
Trust him.
“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.”
Psalms 34:4 NIV
Team Wade loves you and is talking to Jesus about you today👊❤️