The Word of God-
"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better." Ephesians 1:17, NIV
A Message from God-"I long for you to know Me. Very few really know Me. I don’t want you to know about Me. I want you to know Me. I already know your every thought, but I want to talk with you and help you to get to know Me better with each new day. Intimacy with Me will completely transform your thoughts, actions, and life. Come to Me with your questions, fears, and frustrations. Turn to Me when you are confused, angry, worried, or frightened. My Spirit will lead you into a deeper understanding of My immeasurable love for you. I am gentle and compassionate and will meet you with kindness. Stop trying to please Me and simply spend time with Me. I want to open your eyes to who I am. My hope and My power are for you to experience here and now. Taste and see that I am good."
Prayer-Spirit of God, open my eyes to You. Thank You for dealing gently with me when I bring my requests, doubts, and failures to You. Reveal Yourself to me so that I may know You in ways I don’t even know are possible.