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Vital signs- Friday, April 22nd, 2022

Jesus Releases Us From Judgment

Jesus' death and resurrection releases us from judgment. You may imagine a day of judgment where you're standing outside the gates of heaven in a really, really long line, and you're slowly moving forward, one step at a time. As you get closer, you start to sweat and wonder, "Am I going to get in?" I have good news for you. Jesus promises that those who believe in Him - his death and resurrection - will not be judged. (John 3:18) I've got a friend named Buddy who says, when he was a little kid, his Sunday school teacher taught him that God was sitting in heaven writing down every bad thing that Buddy ever did. She actually made the class sing a song every week that went: "My Lord is writing all the time. Writing, writing, writing all the time." Is that the way God treats us when we come and put our faith in Christ? No! In fact, God is erasing, erasing, erasing all the time. Forgiving, forgiving, forgiving all the time. He's sitting in heaven hitting the delete button. The Bible says, "God is love" (1 John 4:8); and "Love . . . keeps no record of wrongs" (1 Corinthians 13:5 NIV). If you put your trust in the love of Jesus Christ, your sins are wiped out (Romans 8.1).

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