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Vital Signs - Sunday, October 13, 2019

Have you noticed that God’s perspective is often given in the form of comparison and contrast. For example, He often contrasted the rich and the poor, the wise and foolish, darkness and light, and the peace that comes from God as opposed to the peace found in this world. Jesus said, “My peace I give to you; not as the world gives …” (John 14:27).

Clearly, the Master was stating that the peace He gave His followers was different from the peace they could find in the world.

Jesus told the disciples this because, they would have trouble in this world, some even persecuted because they were His disciples. But in spite of this, He promised He’d never leave those who followed Him, and His presence would be the means whereby they could experience His peace.

So, remember -The peace of God is not something we can always figure out. But it’s available to us at all times and it is far beyond our ability to understand it.

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