"Without faith, it is impossible to please God" - Hebrews 11:6
Joshua spent over 80 years with Israel, first as a slave in Egypt, then as a warrior in the wilderness with Moses. He became more than a warrior and led the Promised Land campaign. He knew Israel was a fickle, stiff-necked people, and he knew they would not remain faithful to God on their own.
Like Israel, we are hard-headed warriors who find it impossible to serve God on our own. The purpose of God's law is to show us that we can't - we need a Savior.
Jesus didn't come to show us how to live - as if God and the Bible are in the self-help business. Jesus came so that we might die with Him - so that the Holy Spirit could live the Christian life in us and through us.
When we are crucified with Christ, the Holy Spirit raises us to new life and produces the fruit of love and unity in our lives.
This is our sevenfold unity:
One Body
One Spirit
One Hope
One Lord
One Faith
One Baptism
One God
How is this unity achieved? Through the diversity of spiritual gifts.
All lives matter and every believer has a part in kingdom purpose!