It’s estimated that a Roman cross weighed three hundred pounds, and even if Jesus carried only the crossbar, it was still placed on raw flesh that had just been flogged! And He carried it no less than 650 yards down the Via Dolorosa.
Being a tough person doesn’t mean sticking up for yourself when you get offended. A true tough person sacrifices themselves for the sake of others.
Jesus didn’t just carry a three-hundred-pound cross; He carried the weight of the world. Every offense ever committed was placed on His shoulders, and He carried it all the way to Calvary.
Tough love is sacrificial love, unconditional love—a love that is not dictated by someone else’s performance.
It’s not a need-seeking love; it’s a need-meeting love. It doesn’t seek validation, because it doesn’t need any!
That’s what it means to carry your cross. That’s what you’re called to.
Read-Luke 9:23
From :Mark Batterson- Play the man