When astronomers look into the night sky they have a greater appreciation for the constellations, stars, and planets. They see more because they know more. When musicians listen to a symphony, they have a greater appreciation for the cords, melodies, and instrumentation. They hear more because they know more.
The Samaritans in the Bible were worshiping God out of ignorance. And when we worship out of ignorance our worship is empty.
Have you ever been guilty of apologizing to someone without really knowing what you’re sorry about? If we don’t even know what we’re sorry about, then it’s an empty apology.
And many of us worship God the same way. What if God interrupted our singing and ask us why we’re singing what we’re singing, what would we say?
“God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24
The more we know about Jesus, The more we will love Jesus, the more we will have to worship Jesus.
Make time to know Him !