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Vital Signs - Friday, November 1, 2019

“So on October 2 the wall was finished – just fifty-two days after we had begun…[Their enemies] realized this work had been done with the help of God.” – Nehemiah 6:15, 16b

Dedication and discipline are two things that generally separate the winners from the quitters. Quitters don’t work, they whine. Winners work. Work is never dependent on how you feel. In fact, we will all have plenty of days that we don’t feel like showing up and putting in the work.

Nehemiah is the perfect example of what it looks like to go beyond his comfort zone and work wholeheartedly for a cause that honors and glorifies God. God plants a vision in us and gives us the passion to go for it.. God does more than we can ever ask or imagine as we surrender to His plan and put our hand to the plow! God’s people completed the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem in an astonishing 52 days.

Question is; will we be disciplined, dedicated and refused to be distracted or discouraged?

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Phil Wade currently serves as Lead Pastor at Northside Church in Rome, Georgia, but his heart and his home are with those he gets to walk life with and love daily.


Phone: 352-502-2437

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