Vital signs
Maybe you’re used to thinking of generosity as a “have-to”— of the Christian life. But its really a get to! Its the most intelligent way to live.
1. Generosity is genius because it changes our lives.
Proverbs 11:25 tells us, “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”
2. Generosity connects us with others.
There’s something very attractive about those who have a sense of kindness.
3. Generosity helps us invest in what matters.
Generosity is a guaranteed, high-yield investment. Spiritually, generosity protects us from short-sighted, bad investments of our time, our talent, and our treasure, and creates long-term wealth.
4. Generosity frees our hearts.
The principle is about something far more important than our finances; it’s a heart issue.
There are two kinds of treasures in life: those that are temporary and those that last forever. We have to decide which kind we are going to live for.
Choose wisely!