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Writer's picturePhil Wade

Vital signs- Wednesday, June 1st, 2022

Grow by Cooperating with God

As you grow to spiritual maturity, there are several ways to cooperate with God in the process -- Believe God is working in your life even when you don't feel it. Spiritual growth is sometimes tedious work, one small step at a time. Expect gradual improvement. There are seasons in your spiritual life, too. Sometimes you will have a short, intense burst of growth (springtime) followed by a period of stabilizing and testing (fall and winter). Keep a notebook or journal of lessons learned. This is not a diary of events, but a record of what you are learning. Write down the insights and life lessons God teaches you about him, about yourself, about life, relationships, and everything else. The reason we must relearn lessons is that we forget them. Reviewing your spiritual journal regularly can spare you a lot of unnecessary pain and heartache. We are often in a hurry when God isn't. You may feel frustrated with the seemingly slow progress you're making in life. Remember that God is never in a hurry, but he is always on time. He will use your entire lifetime to prepare you for your role in eternity.

“To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:”

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:1‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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