“Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock in Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink.”
(Exodus 17:6)
In this spiritual battle against the world, the devil, and the flesh, we can oftentimes be our own biggest enemies. In Exodus 17, God called the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and led them through the wilderness toward Canaan.
Reading this story as Christians, we see Egypt represents the world, Pharaoh the devil, and Canaan the victorious life.
Notice several principles of victory found in this passage.
First- we must receive a gracious provision. In Exodus 17, the Israelites were in the barren land, dying of thirst. God instructed Moses to strike a rock with his rod, and when he did, water gushed from the rock. This is a glorious illustration of our salvation. Jesus, the rock of ages, was smitten for us. And the blood and water that flowed from His side represent the Holy Spirit.
Second- we must realize God’s grand purpose. God’s plan for His people was not merely that they come out of Egypt and go into the wilderness of Sinai. God’s plan for His people was that they go into the land of Canaan. God brought them out that He might bring them in. Many of us have been brought out of the world, but we’ve never experienced the victory of Canaan. But God has brought us out to bring us in.
• Where can you recognize God’s gracious provision in your life? How is Christ the ultimate provision for every Christian?
• Where do you question God’s purpose in your life? How is Exodus 17 an encouragement in this area?
Read Exodus 17 today and take time to recognize God’s provision .