But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.
(Ephesians 4:7)
God has given you a spiritual gift. Do you see the word “grace” in today’s verse? It’s the Greek word charis. This is the word that we get our word charismatic from. You have a charismatic gift. Did you know that you’re a charismatic person? Well, you say, “I’m not charismatic.” Don’t think by charismatic that we mean somebody who has a great smile, a firm handshake, and the ability to speak well. We say, “Well, that man is charismatic. He’d make a good politician.” That’s a corruption of the word charismatic. The word charismatic merely means a person who has been gifted by grace.
Now, God has given you a grace gift; therefore, may we not insult God by saying God cannot use us. In the Church, there can be no inferiority; there can be no superiority. We are what we are by the gift of God.
• Do you know your spiritual gift(s)? If not, how might you find out?
• How are you encouraged by the fact that spiritual gifts are given by God and not based on human talent or anything else?
Make sure you know your spiritual gifts. If you don’t, contact me at pwade@tcanrome.com for copy of assessment