God fashioned and designed each of us individually with great care and with great beauty, not to make us look good but to bring glory to the Creator. In Him, we know the final purpose of our lives. All we are and all we do is give Him the glory that He deserves as our wonderful King.
“Everyone who is called by My name, And whom I have created for My glory, Whom I have formed, even whom I have made.””
Isaiah 43:7 NASB1995
Pray with me-
God, You said that I have been created for You, to bring You glory! Thank You for making me, forming me, creating me, and calling me Yours, all with a great plan in mind. Thank You that I have been designed intricately to bring glory to Your name, make You great, and shine all You are. Thank You for making me in Your image so I can reflect Your character: Your goodness, love, and faithfulness. I am sorry for not believing I have any purpose in this world. I choose to believe that I have an important meaning in this world, to glorify Your Name. Help me see that I have been created for Your glory and pleasure. In Jesus name Amen.
Team Wade loves you and is praying for you ❤️👊